Online English Classes Guide - Top 20 Free English Classes

Online English classes can include websites with live Skype lessons, quizzes, games, videos, audio, grammar guides, or combinations of all these to help students learn English.

Top 20 Sites for Free English Classes Online:

Rank Name Type
1. British Council Mixed
2. BBC Learning English Audio English Study
3. Luke’s English Podcast Podcast
4. Duolingo App/Game
5. Voice of America Video Learning
6. Udemy MOOC
7. Alison MOOC
8. Engvid Video Learning
9. Memrise Online Study App
10. Speak English with Mister Duncan YouTube Channel
11. Dave’s ESL Cafe Grammar Study
12. Massive Open Online English Course MOOC
13. Anki Flashcard App
14. Quizzes/Exercises
15. Videos and Quizzes for Kids
16. Visual Dictionary
17. EWE Online Study App
18. FlashAcademy Study App
19. Perfect English Grammar Grammar Study
20. ToFluency Video Learning

What is a MOOC?

A MOOC is a massive open online course. They are classes made available on the internet free or very inexpensively to a large number of students.

Frequently Asked Questions about English Classes Online:

Are there really free english classes online for adults?

Yes, you can find them. MOOCs offer this opportunity, as do games and tools like Duolingo, Memrise, and Anki. Language exchanges are also well suited for English classes online for adults.

Where can I find online English speaking classes?

LOI offers them. You can schedule a class here or learn more about English speaking classes. We offer a first online English class for free, when certain criteria are met. Spoken English classes online are usually tougher to find for free if you want to speak with a native teacher, although students may have luck with exchanges.

Are there online English grammar classes available?

Yes, there are tons of English grammar videos and guides available to help you learn. Check out the BBC’s Learning English, the British Council, or Engvid’s YouTube videos.

Where can I find a free english classes online video site?

Check out Engvid, Voice of America (VOA), and ToFluency. You can also search YouTube and find great YouTube English class channels, like Speak English with Mister Duncan.

Where can I find an English composition class online?

This is a little tougher than most other classes. You can use tools like Grammarly to help you improve your English grammar, but usually the best tool is having a trained English teacher to review your writing and help you improve your composition. LOI does offer composition classes. Just register for a first class and let your teacher know. Finding English writing classes online free is tough if you need real, quality feedback.

Are online English learning classes as good as face-to-face?

Yes, we think so. online English classes offer students a lot of flexibility as to when, where, and how they learn. You can take large, free classes, or pay for 1-on-1 attention. You can practice English with an app on the subway or focus in an hour-long live class. An online English class can be whatever you need it to be.

Are there online English classes for kids?

Yes. We offer kids the chance to take English classes online via Skype at LOI English. Learn more about our English classes for children. Apps like Duolingo can also work, and offers English classes specifically for children.

Where can I find free online english conversation classes?

Your best option if your set on free classes is a conversation exchange, in which you spend part of your time talking in your native language, and part of your time talking in English to an advanced or native speaker. Check out sites like Conversation Exchange, The Mixxer, and Easy Language Exchange.

Is it possible to take advanced English classes online?

Yes, you can find English classes online for every level online. Online English classes for beginners are usually the most common and the least expensive. If you want to practice at an advanced level, that typically means working with a live teacher so you can actually use the language. This is what LOI English offers for all levels.

Can ESL students take online college English classes?

If you’re looking for classes to help you prepare your English for college level, LOI and other companies that offer live classes can do that. If you’re looking to take an English class from a college online, you might check into a MOOC.

Can I get a diploma or certificate from English online classes?

Yes, it is possible. In fact, we do offer to create certificates showing the number of hours studied and level achieved by our students. Oftentimes what is more important is taking a 3rd party test, like the TOEFL or CAE to prove your English level to schools or employers.